Rua António Ferreira da Silva, 20 4475-181 Silva Escura, Maia PORTUGAL
N 41º 15’ 20.88’’ W 8º 34’ 12.57’’
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I’m older than 16 years old
Please place your inquiry and make sure you always provide the following information:
SISMA® - Sá Couto e Monteiro, SA provides an internal whistleblowing channel, under the terms of the applicable legislation, to enable the safe submission and follow-up of complaints, in order to guarantee the completeness, integrity and preservation of the complaint, the confidentiality of the identity or anonymity of the complainants and the confidentiality of the identity of third parties mentioned in the complaint, and to prevent access by unauthorized persons.
If you wish to submit a complaint via the internal whistleblowing channel, please fill in the form below